As a content creator, it can sometimes be difficult to find the time to create MORE content. In today’s episode I’m going to share some really practical tips for finding more time and posting more content!

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I’m really excited to jump into this topic about how to find time to produce more content. And I know this is something that a lot of food bloggers struggle with and it’s feedback that I’ve heard many times from people that are just wanting to produce more content, but can’t find the time to do that.
In episode 32, I talked about what you can work on when you don’t have a lot of time. But the reality is that there are times throughout the year in all seasons where you may not have as much time to work on the things that you want to work on.
How to Get More Time
Track your time
The reason that this is so important is that when you have not tracked your time, it’s really easy to think that you are spending your time really efficiently and tracking your time can really help you to see areas that you can improve in or ways that you may not be using your time as wisely.
I love using Toggl for this exercise and do it for one to two weeks. You might find that you have more time to do certain things when you evaluate how you’re already spending your time. This is probably the easiest way to automatically get back some time, because it helps you to recognize ways that you are wasting time or just doing things that are not moving you towards those goals that you want to reach.
There are different ways that you can outsource things that don’t cost any money. For example, maybe you need to outsource some things at home, maybe you need to ask a child to help do things around the house. Maybe it’s something like doing a meal delivery service or doing a grocery order service.
There are a lot of ways that you can get back time that don’t necessarily involve your blog, but they can free up time to work on your blog.
It could be things like hiring an editor or a writer, or it could be hiring a virtual assistant to take care of things behind the scenes.
I always like to bring this up because when people are feeling like they don’t have enough time, often they need to buy back that time through outsourcing whether it’s at home or in your business
Set Weekly and Daily Goals
One thing that has really helped me this last year, especially is looking at goal setting in a different way. So instead of setting these year-long or quarter-long goals that are really big and kind of scary and hard to achieve, I break this down into weekly and daily goals.
The way that this looks for my business is that I try my best to set one major goal that I want to accomplish every week.
After that I set three daily goals or tasks that I’m going to get done each day. These may or may not be related to that weekly goal, but they are the things that if nothing else gets done on that day, but I got those three things done, then I will be super pleased with myself because we usually have hundreds of things on our to-do list.
If we can just narrow it down to three things each day that we have to get done, then it makes it a lot more manageable.
How to Create More Content
Let’s just talk about a couple of ways that you can be more efficient in creating more content.
Think Beyond Recipes
There are so many different ways that you can take one piece of content that is on your site and already doing well and create three or four supplementary blog posts around it. And oftentimes these posts are so much easier to create because you don’t have to develop a recipe and shoot new photos for it.
This can apply on social media as well. So instead of promoting the blog posts that already exists, maybe you take all of the different tips that you have in a blog post, and you separate each of those into different social media posts. So whether it’s Facebook or Instagram, you separate each of those helpful tips into their own posts.
Batch Your Content
Put like tasks together when you are working on blog posts so you make progress on multiple posts at once!
Related: Learn more about time batching
Create a process for your blog posts
Having a process for it can make it so much more efficient. And when we are talking about time scarcity and needing more time to produce more content, this is one of the easiest ways to do that is just creating a system for how you write your blog posts.
Take the process you already have (developing recipe, keyword research, writing the blog post, publishing, promoting blog post) and create a process around it.
It takes the mental effort out of remembering how to do it. And it also just makes things more streamlined and consistent across the board.
You can also use this as the start to figuring out ways that somebody else can help you with this process. So if you have it all documented, it’s going to be a lot easier to bring someone on to help you with it when you are ready to do that.
As we are wrapping up the year, this was just really on my mind because these are things that I’m working on in my business too. And I know for the types of businesses that we have, where we are producing content, and a lot of it, we really have to streamline that process and figure out a way to do it more efficiently.
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