This design launch is extra special to me because I had the absolute honor of working on my friend Melissa’s rebrand and website overhaul. Melissa runs Simply Whisked, a dairy free food blog.
We originally met at Everything Food Conference two years ago and connected over our love for wine, coffee and design (all my favorite things)! When Melissa reached out at the beginning of 2020 to work together on her website, I was ecstatic!
I had no idea how much I would end up loving the end results we were able to achieve!

We are launching a new series of posts to start showing off our amazing clients and the projects we have been able to work on with them. We’ll be catching up on these projects over the next few months and eventually be sharing these launches in real time! You can check out all of the client launches here.
Custom website for food blog: Simply Whisked

Project details: Brand Strategy & Logo Design | Website Design
A fun fact about Melissa is that she used to do web design! This makes her extremely up to date on the latest trends and what she likes. But it also made it hard for her to leave her site as is and not constantly tinker with it.

Melissa had a great idea of her audience and what they struggle with: finding dairy free recipes the whole family can enjoy! What I love about Melissa’s content is that it’s simply dairy free and doesn’t use lots of hard to find or fake products. It’s simply recipes that are delicious and usually dairy free by default.
Some of our goals for her website were:
- Improve user experience and make finding content easier
- Highlight her freebies and increase her email list subscribers
- Allow users to easily see which recipes were allergy friendly
- Create an “at a glance” section at the top of each blog post to highlight the details of each recipe

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