Experience. Expertise. Authoritativeness. Trustworthiness. For most creators, this E-E-A-T acronym is well know by this point. But have you actually implemented this to your blog? If you’re wondering how you can take some action and increase your E-E-A-T, tune in for today’s episode where I’m sharing 3 quick wins for E-E-A-T.

What is E-E-A-T?
Google put out a guide on creating helpful content and how to self-assess your content. Let’s first go over the words in the acronym and what they mean.
- Experience: Google prefers firsthand or life experience on the topic.
- Expertise: The search engine is looking to make sure the author has clout and knowledge on the topic and that they are an expert in their field.
- Authoritativeness: Google is looking for others to recognize you as an authority on the topic.
- Trustworthiness: This one is the most important. You want your readers to trust you!

E-E-A-T Prime Real Estate: Your About Page
It’s time to re-write your about page to position yourself as an expert. It’s important to showcase who is responsible for the website. It’s not your resume, but it’s the best place to share your experience and expertise.
Pro-tip: Your single blog posts should link to this page! Make sure your byline is linked (include your last name, too!) to your about page and your recipe card is as well.
Prove You Are a Real Person
In this world where AI is popping up everywhere, it is more important than EVER that it looks like a real human runs your website. This isn’t about whether or not you have AI generated content, it is about whether people can trust that a real human being in behind the blog.
Take an update about photo and add it to your website.
ESPECIALLY if you are active on social media and have videos/photos of you often, make sure your website has a recent photo of you that actually looks like you.
You can also make sure to have a few more lifestyle images where your hands are in the image or you have an action shot showing a real human hand.
Pro-tip: This goes beyond just photos though, it is also about your content and making that a connection point with your audience.
Share your expertise and authority
How do you know this is a good recipe? Is it your kid’s favorite recipe? Do you bring it to all of your neighborhood gatherings? You don’t have to share an unrelated story to make it personal. Just share WHY the recipe is better than others and how can personally attest to that.
Your expertise and authority should be in multiple places over your blog but often people forget to include it in their actual blog posts as well. Make sure you are building authority and trust in every blog post, not just on your about page or homepage.
Pro-tip: Create a block pattern that showcases this and reminds you to share this kind of information.
Have you heard of Crafted?
Our new Crafted Websites are a great way to build beautiful, user-friendly sites that are the next step toward building all the qualities of E-E-A-T. If you’re ready to get out of that cookie-cutter theme, our semi-custom themes are the perfect solution.
Thank you to Megan from Megan vs Kitchen for our tip of the week! Be sure to check out their How to Make the Best Cheese Quesadilla here!
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thanks for the helpful article.
can you please elaborate more on this
your single blog posts should link to this page! Make sure your byline is linked (include your last name, too!) to your about page and your recipe card is as well.