Do you find it difficult to spend time working ON your business, instead of in it? If you find yourself spending all of your work time working on things like writing blog posts, developing recipes, or posting on social media, keep listening to hear how a CEO day can benefit your business.

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My experience with CEO time
CEO Weekends
The first time that I really started focusing on this idea of CEO time was when my youngest son was just over a year old. I decided to take a CEO weekend. I went to Sedona, which is about an hour and a half away and rented a little Airbnb for two nights.
I planned to just really work on my business. I wanted to do things like reviewing my finances, look for things that I maybe could stop doing. I really took a good look at everything I was doing in my business and started making really big decisions about what my business was going to look like moving forward.
Related: How to review your year
This is something that I try to do often. I have done two full weekends away and I’ve also done more of like a check-in meeting with myself and a friend to just kind of review some of the things that we set goals for and wanted to continue doing.
CEO Dates Weekly
In the last six months or so I have started to make one day a week, the day that I’m going to work on my business instead of in it.
As much as I can, I do not work on client work on these days. I do not take inquiry calls. I really try to focus on my business and really looking at what the direction and strategy is for growing my business on these days.
Doing this weekly, even if it is just an hour or two of time every week is really crucial for that long-term growth and also just protecting yourself from burnout.
Why you need CEO time
Think long term about your business
CEO time is reserved for thinking about your business. It’s thinking about where you’re going this year, where you want to be in five years, thinking about your direction of your brand and what you want to change.
Even if you are not making those changes right now, knowing where you are going is so important for the overall growth of your business.
These may change often, so it is really important to regularly have these check-in dates with yourself to do a review: checking in with yourself about how are, how am I doing on my goals and do I need to change them? What new goals do I want to set?
It is so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of what you have to do to run your food blog. It’s so easy to constantly be doing things like writing blog posts and developing new recipes, sharing your content on Instagram, all of those things that you have to do to run your food blog, but there are also the things that distract you from really thinking beyond next week’s blog posts that you want to publish.
Helps keep you accountable
CEO time helps keep you accountable to the goals that you have set for yourself. The first step is obviously setting those goals.
That’s a perfect place to start with your CEO time, if you don’t have goals set already for the next month or quarter or even the next year.
Once you have those goals set, having that recurring CEO time will really help you to make sure that you’re on track, adjust your goals, if you need to, and just really hold yourself accountable to making sure you’re taking action on your goals.
CEO time gives you margin for new ideas
Sometimes just pausing the actual work that you have to do for your business will help give you that space and margin for those new ideas to pop up and for your creativity to be sparked by doing something a little bit different than the day-to-day stuff that you have to do.
CEO time forces you to break that monotony
It is so easy to get into the routine of doing the same thing day in and day out, especially when you have limited time to work on your blog, which I think is something we can all relate to this year.
CEO time is going to help you to break that monotony and do something different, but something that is still very, very productive for your business.
What do you do during CEO time?
Goal setting
Setting and reviewing your goals for the month, quarter or year.
Reviewing metrics
This could be anything from blog post analytics and metrics to your finances.
Settings tasks
When you set aside time to plan out your tasks for the week, you’re able to stick to the plan a lot better. It will also allow you to get everything on your calendar and carve out space to assign tasks to team members.
Remember that course you bought and never took? This is a great time to spend time working on it. This can also be listening to a podcast or reading a book.
Planning activities:
- Planning out projects that you are working on
- Planning out your content calendar
- Social media planning
- Working on your schedule for the week
Bigger Projects
That cookbook or course you’ve always wanted to create? This is a great time to work on it!
Email Marketing
If this is something you routinely forget to prioritize or that you just quickly get done to check it off the list, spending more intentional time on this is a great use of this CEO time.
If you have been feeling like you’re not really making progress, CEO time built into your week is definitely going to help change that and help make progress, and just really give you the space to figure out what’s next for your food blog.
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