Have you ever wondered who the people are who are coming to your blog? There can sometimes be a difference between your ideal avatar or reader and the people actually landing on your website. Here are three ways you can connect with your audience and figure out who they are!

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There is sometimes a difference between your target avatar and who your audience really is. This episode will help you figure out how to discover who your audience is, which can help you to adjust your target avatar or embrace having two different audience types. Either way, you’ll get an incredible insight into your brand.
Why does knowing your audience matter?
If you don’t understand your audience, it’s going to be very hard to create digital products for them, build meaningful connections, finally get out out of the rat race of feeling like you are creating content constantly while never really getting feedback from your audience.
When you have a boost in traffic from Google or Pinterest, those are not always going to be your people. BUT if you understand who your ideal person is, you’re going to be able to shape your blog in a way that resonates with them and gets them to stick around.
Send an email survey to your list
In episode 29, we talked about the types of emails to send to your email list. You can also grab the freebie of 10 questions to ask in an email survey. You can send a direct email with a survey or add market research questions within emails that have other content.
Experiment with sharing information or stories about the history of the recipe within an email to see if it helps with your engagement or click through rates on emails

Use social media to learn about your audience
It’s important to figure out which is the primary social media channel for your blog, but don’t be afraid to experiment with different tactics and figure out what resonates with your audience.
Sharing the same content you usually do isn’t going to get a response. You may need to get more personal!

Test out polls or question boxes on Instagram stories. Train your audience to respond to these types of stories.
Get on the phone to interview your audience
This is great for connecting to your super fans!
Put together 2-3 questions and allow the other person to talk for 85-90% of the time.
Give them an ebook or exclusive recipe or send them a Starbucks gift card as a thank you.
Once you start doing this work, you may find that your target audience doesn’t match your current audience.
Find out if there is something in common between those two audiences. If there is, adjust your content slightly to serve both of your audiences.
If you find that the people coming to your site don’t match at all, then you need to figure out how to adjust.
You can pivot your content to serve the audience that you have or you can keep trying to attract the audience that you want to have.
You can also segment your audience within your email list if you have two very different audiences.
It’s important to get enough data to make sure you understand how much of your audience is really split before you make a big pivot.
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