As your food blog grows and you begin to scale, it is so important to set aside time to document your systems and processes. Whether you have never spent a lot of time thinking about systems or you aren’t sure what an SOP even stands for, you’re in the right place. I’m joined by my Online Business Manager who is going to break this all down for us and help you make a plan for the standards and systems your food blog needs.

Join me for this episode with Jillian Dolberry where we go over the following:
- Can you define what an SOP is and why it’s important for a business to have them? How do they work with systems?
- What if you are a one person team, are SOPs important?
- Where should your SOPs live?
- How would a food blogger get started with creating these?
- Let’s run through how we would create a process for writing a blog post.
Also, check out our recommendations for top SOPs to start with:
- Blog post structure (hint: Gutenberg course makes this super easy)
- Image naming and/or exporting images
- Sharing a post after it’s published

Jillian is an online business manager for creative business owners in the service industry as well as host of the Grace-Filled CEO Podcast. She serves CEOs looking to scale this business with out burnout through systems strategy and heart. You can connect with Jillian on Instagram or on
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