If you have been in the digital marketing space for more than 5 minutes you probably have heard that you need a freebie in order to grow your email list. But where people often stop short is in marketing that freebie! In today’s episode I’m sharing strategies to help you market the freebie you worked hard to create so that it can actually help you grow your email list and business!

Can’t listen to the episode? Read on for the transcript!
Creating a freebie is just the first step in using a free download to grow your email list.
But what happens after you create the freebie? If you want it to actually help grow your business, you have to share it with people! This is what many of my listeners told me over on Instagram.
After you create an awesome freebie, what comes next? Let’s dive into a few ways to market your freebie!
On Your Blog
Like many other important parts of your blog, like your about page, recipe index or homepage, it’s important that you make it really easy for people to access your freebie!
A few places you can do this:
- Sidebar
- About page
- Homepage
- Recipe Index
- After blog posts
- Within the blog post content
- A pop up

On Social Media
- If you do not have a links page for your Instagram, this is a great place you can add this!
- Talk about it in your stories or in your captions on your feed posts
- Run ads to it!
- Share it on your page
- Share it in your Facebook group
- Share it in other’s Facebook groups when relevant and allowed
Search Engines
If you have a landing page for your freebie, make sure that that page is optimized. I’m not sure if this will result in a ton of search engine traffic, but I wouldn’t leave it unoptimized just in case!
On Pinterest be sure to create pins for this freebie and share them!
Ebook Workshop
If you have been listening to this and thinking that this would be great info if you had an ebook or freebie to offer, you are in luck! I am hosting a live (virtual) hands on workshop to create your first or next ebook or freebie!
In this workshop we will go over the exact steps to:
- Figure your ebook or freebie idea
- Design your download (using professional templates that you’ll be given!)
- Create a plan for marketing your freebie plus graphic templates for that too
This workshop will be part strategy and part implementation. At the end of the workshop you will have your download ready to start sharing and getting people on your email list!
This is a paid workshop and will have limited seats so I can be available to help each person through this. This workshop will be held on September 14th and there will be a replay sent to you if you cannot attend live but it definitely will be more impactful to be there live.
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