One of the exciting parts about Quarter 4 as a food blogger is the increase in your traffic which means a new audience you can draw in! The best way to do this is by having a clear and strategic freebie to capture that audience. I’m sharing some quick to put together opt in ideas for you to utilize this Q4 and capture more of that new audience!
Why you need an email opt in for Q4
- Higher traffic = more people on your blog
- More people who are new to you
- A specific freebie will help create a pool of people who are your ideal audience
- If it’s specific to Q4 you’ll be able to help them right away and build that trust with them
Capturing your ideal audience
- Knowing your audience’s needs – help them to solve a problem
- Understanding where they are on their journey – what is step one or two of their journey?
- A relevant freebie is going to attract the right audience and repel the wrong audience.
10 examples of freebies for food bloggers
- Checklist (10 Brazilian Pantry Essentials)
- Share a Hack (Freezer Meal Hack for Saving Hours on Meal Planning Each Week)
- Email Series
- Meal Plan (7 days of meal prep recipes)
- Recipe ebook (10 dairy free side dishes)
- Swap list (for allergies or healthy eating) (20 healthier store bought swaps)
- Cuisine guide (guide to kid friendly Asian food)
- Timeline (Thanksgiving Timeline)
- Holiday menu (Easter Brunch Menu)
- Printable (dairy free substitutions, recipe conversion table, spices cheatsheet)
What to do after Q4
- Email series during the holidays w/ your best holiday content – keep it focused on what you’re helping them with
- Mini welcome series at the beginning of the year (introduce yourself, remind them why they signed up, give them another freebie if you have one)
- Move them into your regular emails after the first few weeks of the year
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