Kristen, at Studio Knit, began on YouTube after realizing that she could possibly create the knitting channel she was hoping to find. That channel led to her starting her blog where she shares easy-to-understand tutorials, techniques and resources for knitters of all levels of experience. She strives to empower and encourage knitters to get inspired, try new things and celebrate the singularity of every piece of work created with their own two hands.
We are launching a new series of posts to start showing off our amazing clients and the projects we have been able to work on with them. You can check out all of the client launches here.
Custom web design for knitting blog: Studio Knit
Project details: Website Design | Email List Integrations & Campaign Design
Kristen’s vision for her redesign was for it to become a home that knitters could enjoy visiting for new ideas that was easy to navigate and fun to explore. She wanted to give her audience an engaging “boutique” experience where they could enjoy browsing and being inspired by her content.
With her site revamp, Kristen is excited to be able to now provide a more developed place for knitters to receive free information while being inspired to purchase patterns and books.
Check out these reviews from some of Kristen’s readers!
“Wow! Beautiful new site! So easy to see everything and connect with each department. For a beginner, this is so great I’ll be using this site DAILY! Thank you and your new team for helping everyone LOVE knitting!“
“Just explored the latest email and I am very impressed by all the patterns. Wish that I could have many hands like a centipede and work on multiple projects at the same time.”
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